How does Pafekto Price work?
Very simple, just key in what you are looking for, the results will be displayed with the cheapest price first. In addition there is a list of different stores and their offered prices for the same product.
If you like a certain store please rate it so that others my find the golden services you enjoy, and also remeber to share to a friend. Simply share the love and likes.
You don't find a store or products you need, leave us a feedback in the contact us section and we will do our best to reach the store owner and add it.
How Do I Benefit?
You can window shop at the comfort of your room. Browse through many stores available in Pafekto.com to compare the prices and quality of their services.
This process helps you save time and money. You can even set price alerts to be informed when the price of the product you need drops.
As a registered member, you have possibility to save as many products you want to follow or buy. You can categorise them in the wishlist section.
Before making the payment check the profile of the merchants for the shipping cost, delivery terms and condition, return policy and so on. This way you will be in a good position to make a concrete decision about your purchase and where to purchase.
Check whether the merchant has a trusted badge from us. This means he has passed all the verifiers.
Why should I use Pafekto.com?
You will benefit by having a realist price in the market, before you make any purchase on online shop or even offline shop. We also save your time by bringing you the price of the popular shops that you know and probably like.
Do I need an account to use Pafekto.com?
No, but if you do, it comes with an added benefit. You are able to save your searches on a wish list and most importantly you can set a price alert to be informed when a price of a particular product you have in mind drops!
Also to be able to give comments, ratings and reviews you need an account. or to earn from sharing our links cashbacks and much more.
Yes, it is that cool!
How can I creat and account?
On mobile device go to member's area -> log in with any of your social media/Fill the registration form using a valid email.
Simple, that's it!
On desktop simply on top right corner press on Login / Register then follow the following steps
log in with any of your social media/Fill the registration form using a valid email.
There you are!
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